Relevator DoubleNeckRelevator DoubleNeckStarting at $4999 "*" indicates required fields Orientation Right Hand Left Hand Body WoodDefinition : Basswood Walnut Body +150 Alder Body Mahogany Body +200 Cypress Body +150 Swamp Ash Body +200 Other Body Wood Describe Body Wood**Additional cost may apply Body Color Type Solid Body Color Racing Stripes +300 Natural – Clear Coat Antigua with Pickguard +500 Metallic Body Color +250 Sparkle Body Color +750 Transparent Body Color +250 Sparkle Burst Body +850 Burst Body Color+250 Other Body Color Solid Body Color Black Daphne Blue Competition Orange Smoke Green Olympic White Surf Green Tahitian Coral Banana Yellow Artic White Seafoam Green Fiesta Red Caddy Green Shell Pink Sonic Blue Dakota Red Olive Drab Metallic Body Color Charcoal Frost Burgundy Mist Ice Blue Metallic Ice Green Metallic Inca Silver Sparkling Burgundy Lake Placid Blue Sherwood Green Shoreline Gold Purple<img src="". Pelham Blue Ocean Turquoise Firemist Gold Oxblood Gunmetal Blue Highland Green Transparent Body Color White Blonde Green Walnut Stain Aged White Blonde Blue Black Butterscotch Cherry Burst Body Color Tobacco Burst 2-Tone Burst 3-Tone Burst Light Tobacco 2-Tone Painted 3-Tone Gradient Describe Color / Placement*Body FinishLO-Gloss Nitro Body FinishSatin Nitro Body Finish +150HI-Gloss Nitro Body Finish +500Gloss Poly Body Finish +350Definition :Body FinishGloss Poly Body FinishTOP HALF Neck Wood Plain Maple Neck Flame Maple Neck +175 Roasted Maple Neck +50 Roasted Flame Maple Neck +200 Walnut Neck +75 Birdseye Maple Neck +175 Mahogany Neck +75 Roasted Birdseye Maple Neck +200 Other Neck Wood Describe TOP Neck Wood**Additional cost may apply TOP Scale Length24" Scale24.75" Scale24.75" (12-String)25.5" Scale25.5" (12-String) +20027" (Baritone Scale)30" Scale (Bass VI)30" Scale Bass (4-String)32" Scale Bass (4-String)34" Scale Bass (4-String)TOP FingerboardRosewood Fingerboard (21 fret)Rosewood Fingerboard (22 fret)Roasted Maple Fingerboard (21 fret)Roasted Maple Fingerboard (22 fret)Plain Maple Fingerboard (21 fret)Plain Maple Fingerboard (22 fret)Ebony Fingerboard (21 fret) +75Ebony Fingerboard (22 fret) +75Other FingerboardDescribe TOP Fingerboard**Additional cost may apply TOP Fret Wire Medium / Jumbo Stainless Medium/Jumbo +100 Vintage Stainless Vintage +100 Tall/Narrow Stainless Tall/Narrow +100 Other Describe TOP Fret Wire**Additional cost may apply TOP Fingerboard Radius7.25" Radius9.5" Radius12" Radius9.5" to 12" Compound Radius + $75Custom RadiusDefinition :TOP Neck ProfileStandard Medium C ProfileSlim C ProfileChunky C ProfileChunky Soft V ProfileCustom ProfileDefinition :Describe TOP Fingerboard Radius* Describe Custom TOP Neck Profile* TOP Fingerboard BindingParchment BindingBlack BindingWhite BindingNoneOther BindingTOP Nut Width1 11/16"1 5/8"1 3/4"TOP Fingerboard Inlay Clay Dot Inlay Black Split Diamond +500 Black Dot Inlay Pearloid Split Diamond +500 Pearloid Dot Inlay Black Block Inlay +500 White Dot Inlay Pearloid Block Inlay +500 Cream Dot Inlay Black Split Parallelogram +500 Other Inlay Pearl Split Parallelogram +500 Describe TOP Fingerboard Binding**Additional cost may apply Describe TOP Fingerboard Inlay**Additional cost may apply TOP – Headstock Face Natural Painted Black +150 Painted to Match Body +150 Custom TOP – Swoosh Painted to Match Body Painted Black Natural Custom Top & Bottom Neck FinishLO-Gloss Nitro Neck FinishTRU-Oil Neck FinishSatin Nitro Neck FinishHI-Gloss Nitro Neck FinishGloss Poly Neck FinishSatin Back / Gloss Face Neck FinishCustom Neck FinishTOP – Neck Pickup Type Humbucker Single Coil Custom TOP – Neck Pickup Type 4-String Bass Custom HiddenBuilder Spacer N/A Builder Lollar Fralin TV Jones Seymour Duncan Curtis Novak Humbucker Style-Select-PAFWide RangeMiniSingle Coil Style-Select-TeleStratP-90Offset / OtherDescribe Custom TOP Neck Pickup**Additional cost may apply TOP-Neck PickupVintage Hot TeleSteel Pole 42 Tele +10Steel Pole 43 Tele +10Blues SpecialHigh Output TeleSplit Blade Tele +20Split Steel-Pole Tele +20TOP-Neck PickupTele Special +10Tele Alnico 3 +15Tele '52 +10Tele Vintage +10Tele Royal T +20Charlie Christian for Tele +75TOP-Neck PickupVintage TeleVintage Broadcaster TeleBrad Paisley La BreaAntiquity Tele +10Antiquity Tele II +20Antiquity '55 Tele +20TOP-Neck PickupStarwood Tele +25TOP-Neck PickupP90 Stack +20Vintage P90Antiquity P90 Dogear +30Antiquity P90 Soapbar +30Custom P90Phat Cat P90 in Humbucker CoverTOP-Neck PickupTele-V NeckTele-HC +50TOP-Neck PickupT-90 Soapbar +15T-90 Neck +35TOP-Neck PickupP-90 +10P-90 Narrow Range +25Dogear-PAF +70P-90 Epi Casino +40P-90 Metal Soapbar +20Kay Tissue Box +115TOP-Neck PickupStarwood StratTOP-Neck PickupJazzmaster +10Mustang SpecialP-90 Jazzmaster +35Blademaster +45Jaguar +25Mini Broiler +55Gold Foil Soapbar +105Gold Foil Dogear +105Gold Foil Surface Mount +95Gold Foil Floating Mount +95Bass VI +25TOP-Neck PickupVintage JazzmasterAntiquity Jazzmaster +10Antiquity II Jazzmaster +10Vintage JaguarAntiquity Jaguar +10Antiquity II Jaguar +10Psyclone Vintage Filter'Tron +40Psyclone Hot Filter'Tron +40TOP-Neck PickupTV-HT +35T-Armond +65TOP-Neck PickupJazzmasterSteel Pole Jazzmaster +10Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster +50Hum-Cancelling, Steel Pole Jazzmaster +50P-92 +55Jaguar +10MustangBlues SpecialHigh OutputSplit Blade Mustang +15Vintage HotTOP-Neck PickupJM-V +10JM-WR +75JM-PAF +65JM-Historic +30JM-Moserite +65Jag-VBass VI 1961 +50XII-V +40XII-Fat +60Bass VI +20Bass VI 1961 +50Thunderbird +110H22 Goldfoil +85BS-DS VI +195TOP-Neck PickupP-90 Soapbar +10'50s Wound P-90 Soapbar +15Underwound P-90 Soapbar +10P-90 Staple Soapbar +45P-90 Dogear +10'50s Wound P-90 Dogear +10Underwound P-90 Dogear +15TOP-Neck PickupHum-Cancelling P90 w/ Alnico Rods +50Hum-Cancelling P90 +50DynaSonic Alnico Rod P90 +50DynaSonic Hum-Cancelling +50TOP-Neck PickupLipstick-Strat +30Strat-VTOP-Neck PickupStrat Special Flat Pole +10Strat Special-Staggered Pole +10Strat Sixty-Four Flat Pole +10Strat Sixty-Four Staggered Pole +10Strat Blonde Flat Pole +10Strat Blonde-Staggered Pole +10Strat Tweed Flat Pole +10Strat Tweed-Staggered Pole +10TOP-Neck PickupPure P.A.F. +50Modern P.A.F. +50High Output +50Unbucker +50Sunbucker Blues +50P90 in Humbucker Cover +30Hum-Cancelling, P90 in Humbucker Cover +55Alnico Noiseless, P90 in Humbucker Cover +60TOP-Neck PickupImperial +80Imperial HW +80Imperial LW +80El Rayo +80Lollartron Traditional +90Lollartron Humbucker +90Novel 90 for Humbucker Route +45Charlie Christian for Humbucker Route +75Senn Model One +115TOP-Neck PickupAntiquity II Surfer StratAlnico II Pro Staggered StratLipstick Tube StratAntiquity Strat Texas Hot +10TOP-Neck PickupSteel Pole 42 StratSteel Pole 43 StratSplit Steel Pole StratReal 54'sBlues Special StratVintage Hot StratHigh Output StratSplit Blade Strat +15TOP-Neck PickupFirebird +50Mini Humbucker +50Alnico 5 (Bright/Clear) +50Big Single Mini 42 +50Big Single Mini 43 +50TOP-Neck PickupFirebird +90Mini Humbucker +90TOP-Neck PickupRay Butts Ful-Fidelity +70TOP-Neck PickupWide Range Humbucker +75TOP-Neck Pickup59 Model (Sh-1) +20Pearly Gates +30JB Model (JB-4) +10Jazz Model (Sh-2) +10Seth Lover (Sh-55) +30Antiquity Humbucker +60'78 Model +50Frankenstein +80TOP-Neck PickupTV Classic +35Magna'Tron +50Power'Tron +45Super'Tron +50Starwood Humbucker +50Brian Setzer Signature +55Paul Yandell Duo-Tron +60TOP-Neck PickupHumbucker +70Gold Foil: GTX-HMB +75Hum-WR +90Hi Tron +75 (Original "Filtertron" Size)TOP-Neck PickupNoneTOP-Neck PickupMini-Hum +70Firebird +70TOP-Neck PickupAntiquity II Firebird +60Antiquity II Mini Humbucker +60Vintage Mini Humbucker +10Custom Mini Humbucker +10TOP-Neck PickupWiderange Humbucker +130JM-WR +75TOP-Neck PickupWide Range Humbucker +80High Voltage Humbucker +40TOP-Neck PickupThunder'Blade Soapbar +150Thunder'Blade +160Thunder'Blade DeArmond +165Thunder'Mag +150Thunder'Tron +160Thunder'Mag Soapbar +165Thunder'Mag DeArmond +150TOP-Neck PickupAntiquity Jazz Bass +120Antiquity P-Bass +160Antiquity II Jazz Bass +120Antiquity II P-Bass +160Antiquity II Single Coil P-Bass +110Quarter Pound Jazz Bass +100Quarter Pound Single Coil +90P-BassVintage Jazz Bass +90Vintage P-Bass +100Vintage Single Coil P-Bass +90Hot Single Coil P-Bass +90Hot Jazz Bass +90Hot P-Bass, Split Coil +100Apollo Jazz Bass +120Classic Stack Jazz Bass (HC) +110Quarter Pound P-Bass +100'70 Music Man Alnico 5 +1203 Coil Music Man +230'90 Music Man Ceramic +120TOP-Neck PickupMM Bass V +115MM Bass Wide Top +115TB-V +110JB-V +110JB-HC +150PB-V +130TB-JB +145PB-Fat +150PB-90 +150PB-CC +160TB-HC +165Mustang Bass +150Mustang Bass – Fat +170H22 Goldfoil +195BS-DS +305EB-BSX +285EB-O +320Hofner Staple +180TOP-Neck Pickup'51 P-Bass +95P-Bass +150Split '51 P-Bass (HC)+150Jazz Bass +100Split Jazz (HC)+150TOP-Neck PickupJazz Bass +115'70 Jazz Bass +115B.S. J-Bass +155Original P-Bass Single-Coil +110Precision Bass Split-Coil +160Precision Bass Split-Coil High Wind +1600Precision 90 +200Mustang Bass +155Thunderbird +220Horseshoe Bass +600TOP-Neck PickupRegal +115TOP – Middle PickupNoneMiddleMiddle + Additional PickupTOP – Middle PickupNoneMiddleTOP – Middle Pickup Type Humbucker Single Coil Custom Builder Lollar Fralin TV Jones Seymour Duncan Curtis Novak TOP – Middle Pickup Type 4-String Bass Custom Builder Lollar Fralin TV Jones Seymour Duncan Curtis Novak Humbucker Style-Select-PAFWide RangeMiniSingle Coil Style-Select-TeleStratP-90Offset / OtherTOP-Middle Pickup'51 P-BassP-Bass +40Split '51 P-Bass (HC)+40Jazz BassSplit Jazz (HC)+40TOP-Middle PickupAntiquity II Firebird +170Antiquity II Mini Humbucker +170Vintage Mini Humbucker +120Custom Mini Humbucker +120TOP-Middle PickupJazz Bass'70 Jazz BassB.S. J-Bass +45Original P-Bass Single-CoilPrecision Bass Split-Coil +50Precision Bass Split-Coil High Wind +50Precision 90 +90Mustang Bass +45Thunderbird +110Horseshoe Bass +490TOP-Middle PickupThunder'Blade Soapbar +40Thunder'Blade +50Thunder'Blade DeArmond +55Thunder'Mag Soapbar +40Thunder'Mag +50Thunder'Mag DeArmond +55Thunder'Tron +40TOP-Middle PickupMM Bass V +10MM Bass Wide Top +10TB-VJB-VJB-HC +40PB-V +20TB-JB +35PB-Fat +40PB-90 +40PB-CC +50TB-HC +55Mustang Bass +40Mustang Bass – Fat +60H22 Goldfoil +85BS-DS +195EB-BSX +175EB-O +210Hofner Staple +70TOP-Middle PickupAntiquity Jazz Bass +10Antiquity P-Bass +50Antiquity II Jazz Bass +10Antiquity II P-Bass +50Antiquity II Single Coil P-BassQuarter Pound Jazz BassQuarter Pound Single Coil P-BassVintage Jazz BassVintage P-BassVintage Single Coil P-BassHot Stack (HC)Jazz BassHot Single Coil P-BassHot Jazz BassHot P-Bass, Split CoilApollo Jazz Bass +10Classic Stack Jazz Bass (HC)Quarter Pound P-Bass'70 Music Man Alnico 5 +103 Coil Music Man +120'90 Music Man Ceramic +10TOP-Middle PickupTele Special +115Tele Alnico 3 +125Tele '52 +115Tele Vintage +115Charlie Christian for Tele +185TOP-Middle PickupVintage Hot Tele +110Steel Pole 42 Tele +115Steel Pole 43 Tele +115Blues Special +110High Output Tele +110Split Blade Tele +130Split Steel-Pole Tele +130TOP-Middle PickupVintage Tele +90Vintage Broadcaster Tele +90Brad Paisley La Brea +100Antiquity Tele +120Antiquity Tele II +130Antiquity '55 Tele +130TOP-Middle PickupStarwood Tele +135TOP-Middle PickupStrat Special +105Strat Special-Staggered Pole +105Strat Sixty-Four +105Strat Sixty-Four Staggered Pole +105Strat Blonde +105Strat Blonde-Staggered Pole +105TOP-Middle PickupTele-V Neck +105Tele-HC +160TOP-Middle PickupReal '54s +100Blues Special Strat +100Vintage Hot Strat +100High Output Strat +100Steel Pole 42 Strat +110Steel Pole 43 Strat +110Split Steel-Pole Strat +110Split Blade Strat +125TOP-Middle PickupLipstick-Strat +140Strat-V +100TOP-Middle PickupStarwood Strat +105TOP-Middle PickupReal '54s +100Blues Special Strat +100Vintage Hot Strat +100High Output Strat +100Steel Pole 42 Strat +110Steel Pole 43 Strat +110Split Steel-Pole Strat +130Split Blade Strat +125HiddenTOP-Middle PickupTOP-Middle PickupAlnico II Pro Staggered Strat +90Antiquity II Surfer Strat +110Lipstick Tube Strat +110Antiquity Strat Texas Hot +120TOP-Middle PickupP-90 Soapbar +115'50s Wound P-90 Soapbar +125Underwound P-90 Soapbar +115P-90 Staple Soapbar +155P-90 Dogear +115'50s Wound P-90 Dogear +125Underwound P-90 Dogear +115TOP-Middle PickupP-90 +120P-90 Narrow Range +135Dogear-PAF +180P-90 Epi Casino +150P-90 Metal Soapbar +130Kay Tissue Box +225TOP-Middle PickupP90 Stack +130Vintage P90 +110Antiquity P90 Dogear +140Antiquity P90 Soapbar +140Custom P90 +110Phat Cat P90 in Humbucker Cover +110TOP-Middle PickupHum-Cancelling P90 w/ Alnico Rods +160Hum-Cancelling P90 +160DynaSonic Alnico Rod P90 +160DynaSonic Hum-Cancelling +160TOP-Middle PickupJM-V +120JM-WR +185JM-PAF +175JM-Historic +140JM-Moserite +175Jag-V +100Bass VI 1961 +160XII-V +150XII-Fat +170Bass VI +130Bass VI 1961 +160Thunderbird +220H22 Goldfoil +185BS-DS VI +305TOP-Middle PickupT-90 Soapbar +125T-90 Middle +145TOP-Middle PickupJazzmaster +105Steel Pole Jazzmaster +115Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster +160Hum-Cancelling, Steel Pole Jazzmaster +160P-92 +165Jaguar +115Mustang +100Blues Special +110High Output +110Split Blade Mustang +125Vintage Hot +110TOP-Middle PickupJazzmaster +115Mustang Special +105P-90 Jazzmaster +145Blademaster +155Jaguar +135Mini Broiler +165Gold Foil Soapbar +215Gold Foil Dogear +215Gold Foil Surface Mount +200Gold Foil Floating Mount +200Bass VI +135TOP-Middle PickupVintage Jazzmaster +90Antiquity Jazzmaster +120Antiquity II Jazzmaster +120Vintage Jaguar +90Antiquity Jaguar +120Antiquity II Jaguar +120Psyclone Vintage Filter'Tron +150Psyclone Hot Filter'Tron +150TOP-Middle PickupTV-HT +145T-Armond +175TOP-Middle PickupRegal +225TOP-Middle PickupImperial +190Imperial HW +190Imperial LW +190El Rayo +190Lollartron Traditional +200Lollartron Humbucker +200Novel 90 for Humbucker Route +155Charlie Christian for Humbucker Route +185Senn Model One +225TOP-Middle PickupPure P.A.F. +160Modern P.A.F. +160High Output +160Unbucker +160Sunbucker Blues +160P90 in Humbucker Cover +140Hum-Cancelling, P90 in Humbucker Cover +165Alnico Noiseless, P90 in Humbucker Cover +170TOP-Middle PickupFirebird +200Mini Humbucker +200TOP-Middle PickupFirebird +160Mini Humbucker +160Alnico 5 (Bright/Clear) +160Big Single Mini 42 +160Big Single Mini 43 +160TOP-Middle PickupWide Range Humbucker +185TOP-Middle PickupRay Butts Ful-Fidelity +180TOP-Middle PickupTV Classic +145Magna'Tron +160Power'Tron +155Super'Tron +160Starwood Humbucker +160Brian Setzer Signature +165Paul Yandell Duo-Tron +170TOP-Middle PickupHumbucker +180Gold Foil: GTX-HMB +185Hum-WR +200Hi Tron +185 (Original "Filtertron" Size)TOP-Middle PickupNoneTOP-Middle PickupWide Range Humbucker +190High Voltage Humbucker +150TOP-Middle Pickup59 Model (Sh-1) +130Pearly Gates +140JB Model (JB-4) +120Jazz Model (Sh-2) +120Seth Lover (Sh-55) +140Antiquity Humbucker +170'78 Model +160Frankenstein +190TOP-Middle PickupMini-Hum +180Firebird +180TOP-Middle PickupWiderange Humbucker +240JM-WR +185Describe Custom TOP-Middle Pickup**Additional cost may apply TOP – Bridge Pickup Type Humbucker Single Coil Custom TOP – Bridge Pickup Type 4-String Bass Custom HiddenBuilder Spacer N/A Builder Lollar Fralin TV Jones Seymour Duncan Curtis Novak Humbucker Style-Select-PAFWide RangeMiniSingle Coil Style-Select-TeleStratP-90Offset / OtherDescribe Custom TOP-Bridge Pickup**Additional cost may apply TOP-Bridge PickupJazz Bass +115'70 Jazz Bass +115B.S. J-Bass +155Original P-Bass Single-Coil +110Precision Bass Split-Coil +160Precision Bass Split-Coil High Wind +160Precision 90 +200Mustang Bass +155Thunderbird +220Horseshoe Bass +600TOP-Bridge PickupWiderange Humbucker +130JM-WR +75TOP-Bridge Pickup'51 P-Bass +95P-Bass +150Split '51 P-Bass (HC)+150Jazz Bass +100Split Jazz (HC)+150TOP-Bridge PickupAntiquity Jazz Bass +120Antiquity P-Bass +160Antiquity II Jazz Bass +120Antiquity II P-Bass +160Antiquity II Single Coil P-Bass +110Quarter Pound Jazz Bass +100Quarter Pound Single Coil P-Bass +90 P-BassVintage Jazz Bass +90Vintage P-Bass +100Vintage Single Coil P-Bass +90Hot Stack (HC)Jazz Bass +110Hot Single Coil P-Bass +90Hot Jazz Bass +90Hot P-Bass, Split Coil +100Apollo Jazz Bass +120Classic Stack Jazz Bass (HC) +110Quarter Pound P-Bass +100'70 Music Man Alnico 5 +1203 Coil Music Man +230'90 Music Man Ceramic +120TOP-Bridge PickupMM Bass V +115MM Bass Wide Top +115TB-V +110JB-V +110JB-HC +150PB-V +130TB-JB +145PB-Fat +150PB-90 +150PB-CC +160TB-HC +165Mustang Bass +150Mustang Bass – Fat +170H22 Goldfoil +195BS-DS +305EB-BSX +285EB-O +320Hofner Staple +180TOP-Bridge PickupThunder'Blade Soapbar +150Thunder'Blade +160Thunder'Blade DeArmond +165Thunder'Mag Soapbar +150Thunder'Mag +160Thunder'Mag DeArmond +165Thunder'Tron +150TOP-Bridge PickupTele Special +10Tele '52 +15Tele J Street +15Tele Vintage +15Tele Alnico 3 +40B.S. Tele +75Charlie Christian for Tele +75TOP-Bridge PickupVintage Hot TeleSteel Pole 42 Tele +10Steel Pole 43 Tele +10High Output TeleBlues Special TeleSplit Blade Tele +20Split Steel-Pole Tele +20TOP-Bridge PickupStarwood Tele +25TOP-Bridge PickupTele-V BridgeTele-V Fat Bridge +20TOP-Bridge PickupAntiquity Tele +10Antiquity II Tele +20Antiquity '55 +20Vintage '54 TeleVintage Broadcaster TeleBrad Paisley La BreaTOP-Bridge PickupStrat Special Flat Pole +10Strat Special-Staggered Pole +10Strat Sixty-Four Flat Pole +10Strat Sixty-Four Staggered Pole +10Strat Blonde Flat Pole +10Strat Blonde-Staggered Pole +10Strat Tweed Flat Pole +10Strat Tweed-Staggered Pole +10TOP-Bridge PickupReal '54sBlues Special StratSteel Pole 42 StratSteel Pole 43 StratHigh Output StratSplit Blade Strat +15Split Steel-Pole StratTOP-Bridge PickupStarwood StratTOP-Bridge PickupLipstick-Strat +30Strat-VTOP-Bridge PickupAlnico II Pro Staggered StratAntiquity II SurferLipstick Tube StratAntiquity Strat Texas Hot +10TOP-Bridge PickupP-90 Soapbar +10'50s Wound P-90 Soapbar +15Underwound P-90 Soapbar +10P-90 Staple Soapbar +45P-90 Dogear +10'50s Wound P-90 Dogear +10Underwound P-90 Dogear +15TOP-Bridge PickupHum-Cancelling P90 +50Hum-Cancelling P90 w/ Alnico Rods +50Dynasonic Alnico Rod P90 +50Dynasonic Hum-Cancelling +50TOP-Bridge PickupT-90 Soapbar +15T-90 Bridge +35TOP-Bridge PickupP-90 +10P-90 Narrow Range +25Dogear-PAF +70P-90 Epi Casino +40P-90 Metal Soapbar +20Kay Tissue Box +115TOP-Bridge PickupP90 Stack +20Vintage P90Antiquity P90 Dogear +30Antiquity P90 Soapbar +30Custom P90Phat Cat P90 in Humbucker CoverTOP-Bridge PickupJazzmaster +10Mustang SpecialP-90 Jazzmaster +35BladeMaster +45Jaguar +25Gold Foil Soapbar +105Gold Foil Dogear +105Gold Foil Surface Mount +95Glod Foil Floating Mount +95Mini Broiler +55Bass VI +25TOP-Bridge PickupJazzmasterSteel-Pole Jazzmaster +10Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster +50Hum-Cancelling, Steel-Pole Jazzmaster +50Jaguar +10MustangBlues SpecialVintage HotHigh OutputSplit Blade Mustang +15TOP-Bridge PickupTV-HT +35T-Armond +65TOP-Bridge PickupJM-Fat +40JM-WR +75JM-PAF +65JM-Historic +30JM-HC-Stealth +65JM-Moserite +65Jag-VBass VI 1961 +50XII-V +40XII-Fat +60BS-DS VI +195Bass VI +20Bass VI 1961 +50Thunderbird +110H22 Goldfoil +85TOP-Bridge PickupVintage JaguarAntiquity Jaguar +10Antiquity II Jaguar +10Antiquity Jazzmaster +10Antiquity II Jazzmaster +10Vintage JazzmasterPsyclone Vintage Filter'Tron +40Psyclone Hot Filter'Tron +40TOP-Bridge PickupImperial +80Imperial HW +80Imperial LW +80El Rayo +80Lollartron Traditional +90Charlie Christian for Humbucker Route +75Senn Model One +115TOP-Bridge PickupRegal +115TOP-Bridge PickupFirebird +90Mini Humbucker +90TOP-Bridge PickupPure P.A.F. +50Modern P.A.F. +50High Output +50Sunbucker Blues +50Unbucker +50P90 in Humbucker Cover +30Hum-Cancelling, P90 in Humbucker Cover +55Alnico Noiseless, P90 in Humbucker Cover +60TOP-Bridge PickupWide Range Humbucker +75TOP-Bridge PickupFirebird +50Mini Humbucker +50Alnico 5 (Bright/Clear) +50Big Single Mini 42 +50Big Single Mini 43 +50TOP-Bridge PickupTV Classic +35Power'Tron +45Super'Tron +50Magna'Tron +50Starwood Humbucker +50Brian Setzer Signature +55Paul Yandell Duo-Tron +60TOP-Bridge PickupRay Butts Ful-Fidelity +70TOP-Bridge PickupNoneTOP-Bridge Pickup'59 Model (Sh-1) +20JB Model (JB-4) +10Jazz Model (Sh-2) +10Dimebucker +10Pearly Gates +30Seth Lover (Sh-55) +30Antiquity Humbucker +60'78 Model +50Frankenstein +80TOP-Bridge PickupWide Range Humbucker +80High Voltage Humbucker +50TOP-Bridge PickupAntiquity II Firebird +60Antiquity II Mini Humbucker +60Vintage Mini Humbucker +10Custom Mini Humbucker +10TOP-Bridge PickupHumbucker +70Gold Foil: GTX-HMB +75Hum-WR +90F-Tron +75 (Original "Filtertron" Size)Hi Tron +75 (Original "Filtertron" Size)TOP-Bridge PickupMini-Hum +70Firebird +702 Pickup Switching 3-way Toggle Switch 3-way Toggle Switch in Plate +50 3-way Blade Switch 3-way Blade Switch in Plate +50 3-way Blade Switch Angled 3-way Blade Switch Angled in Plate +50 2 X 2-way Switch + Strangle Switch 2 X 2-way Switch + Strangle Switch in Plate +50 2 X On/Off Metal Push Button +25 2 X On/Off Metal Push Button in Plate +75 Other Pickup Switching Controls2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone in Plate +503 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone3 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone in Plate +504 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Neck-Tone, Bridge-Tone4 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Neck-Tone, Bridge-Tone in Plate +50Other Controls3 Pickup Switching 3-way Toggle Switch 3-way Toggle Switch in Plate +50 3 X 2-way Switch 3 X 2-way Switch in Plate +50 4 X 2-way Switch (Strangle Switch) 4 X 2-way Switch in Plate (Strangle Switch) +50 5-way Blade Switch 5-way Blade Switch in Plate +50 5-way Blade Switch Angled 5-way Blade Switch Angled in Plate +50 3 On/Off Metal Push Button +25 3 On/Off Metal Push Button in Plate +75 Other Pickup Switching Controls2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone in Plate +503 Knob – Master Volume, Middle Volume, Master Tone3 Knob – Master Volume, Middle Volume, Master Tone in Plate +503 Knob – Master Volume, Middle-Tone, Master Tone3 Knob – Master Volume, Middle-Tone, Master Tone in Plate +504 Knob – Neck-Volume, Middle-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone4 Knob – Neck-Volume, Middle-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone in Plate +50Other ControlsControls4 Knob – Neck-Volume, Middle-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone4 Knob – Neck-Volume, Middle-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone in Plate +504 Pickup Switching 4 X 2-way Switch (Strangle Switch) 4 X 2-way Switch in Plate (Strangle Switch) +50 5-way Blade Switch 5-way Blade Switch in Plate +50 5-way Blade Switch Angled 5-way Blade Switch Angled in Plate +50 4 On/Off Metal Push Button +25 4 On/Off Metal Push Button in Plate +75 Other Pickup Switching Controls2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone in Plate +503 Knob – Master Volume, Neck & Bridge-Tone, Middle & Middle-Tone3 Knob – Master Volume, Neck & Bridge-Tone, Middle & Middle-Tone in Plate +504 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Neck-Tone, Bridge-Tone4 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Neck-Tone, Bridge-Tone in Plate +50Other ControlsAdditional Circuitry Rhythm Circuit in Guard +50 Rhythm Circuit in Plate +100 Third ChoiceHi-Lo Circuit in Guard +50 Hi-Lo Circuit in Plate +100 2-Band Active EQ in Guard +100 2-Band Active EQ in Plate +150 None Other Circuitry Coil TappingHumbucker Pickup OnlyCoil Tapping Neck Pickup +25Coil Tapping Middle Pickup +25Coil Tapping Bridge Pickup +25Coil Tapping Neck & Bridge Pickup +50Coil Tapping Neck, Middle & Bridge Pickup +75Describe Electronics**Additional cost may applyTOP – Bridge / VibratoTone Pros Nickel Tuneomatic Bridge & TailpieceTone Pros Black Tuneomatic Bridge & Tailpiece +20Tone Pros Gold Tuneomatic Bridge & Tailpiece +50Kluson / String through Tele BridgeHardtail / String through Strat BridgeKluson Vintage Strat TremeloKluson Modern 2-Post Strat TremeloMastery Bridge with Modified Import Vibrato +265Mastery Bridge & Vibrato (MV) +430Mastery Bridge & Vibrato (OMV) +430Black Mastery Bridge & Vibrato (MV) +460Chrome Tuneomatic Roller Bridge with Bigsby B5 +250Kluson High Mass 4 String Bass BridgeVintage 4 String Bass BridgeOtherTOP – TunersMetal Button Vintage TunerBlack Metal Button Vintage Tuners +20Gold Metal Button Vintage Tuners +50Oval Plastic Button Vintage TunerLocking Metal Button Vintage TunerVintage Gotoh Bass TunerHipshot Ultralite Bass TunerOther TunersPickguard Solid Black Black/White/Black Blk/Wht/B/W/Blk Black Aluminum +200 Solid White White/Black/White Pearloid White +100 Silver Aluminum +200 Solid Cream Parch/Black/Parch Pearloid Aged +100 Gold Aluminum +200 Solid Parchment Mint/Black/Mint Tort/Wht/Blk +100 Painted Acrylic +300 Bakelite Black/Parch/Black Solid Tortoise +125 No Pickguard Other Describe Pickguard**Additional cost may apply Describe Tuners**Additional cost may apply KnobsBlack Mustang KnobBlack Witchhat KnobWhite Witchhat KnobParchment Witchhat KnobsStandard Tele KnobGretch Flat Top KnobParchment Strat KnobWhite Strat KnobBlack Strat KnobOther KnobDescribe Knobs* BOTTOM – Bridge / VibratoTone Pros Nickel Tuneomatic Bridge & TailpieceTone Pros Black Tuneomatic Bridge & Tailpiece +20Tone Pros Gold Tuneomatic Bridge & Tailpiece +50Kluson / String through Tele BridgeHardtail / String through Strat BridgeKluson Vintage Strat TremeloKluson Modern 2-Post Strat TremeloMastery Bridge with Modified Import Vibrato +265Mastery Bridge & Vibrato (MV) +430Mastery Bridge & Vibrato (OMV) +430Black Mastery Bridge & Vibrato (MV) +460Chrome Tuneomatic Roller Bridge with Bigsby B5 +250Kluson High Mass 4 String Bass BridgeVintage 4 String Bass BridgeOtherBOTTOM – TunersMetal Button Vintage TunerBlack Metal Button Vintage Tuners +20Gold Metal Button Vintage Tuners +50Oval Plastic Button Vintage TunerLocking Metal Button Vintage TunerVintage Gotoh Bass TunerHipshot Ultralite Bass TunerOther TunersDescribe Bridge / Vibrato**Additional cost may apply BOTTOM HALF Neck Wood Plain Maple Neck Flame Maple Neck +175 Roasted Maple Neck +50 Roasted Flame Maple Neck +200 Walnut Neck +75 Birdseye Maple Neck +175 Mahogany Neck +75 Roasted Birdseye Maple Neck +200 Other Neck Wood Describe BOTTOM Neck Wood**Additional cost may apply BOTTOM Scale Length24" Scale24.75" Scale24.75" (12-String)25.5" Scale25.5" (12-String) +20027" (Baritone Scale)30" Scale (Bass VI)30" Scale Bass (4-String)32" Scale Bass (4-String)34" Scale Bass (4-String)BOTTOM FingerboardRosewood Fingerboard (21 fret)Rosewood Fingerboard (22 fret)Roasted Maple Fingerboard (21 fret)Roasted Maple Fingerboard (22 fret)Plain Maple Fingerboard (21 fret)Plain Maple Fingerboard (22 fret)Ebony Fingerboard (21 fret) +75Ebony Fingerboard (22 fret) +75Other FingerboardDescribe BOTTOM Fingerboard**Additional cost may apply BOTTOM Fret Wire Medium / Jumbo Stainless Medium/Jumbo +100 Vintage Stainless Vintage +100 Tall/Narrow Stainless Tall/Narrow +100 Other Describe BOTTOM Fret Wire**Additional cost may apply BOTTOM Fingerboard Radius7.25" Radius9.5" Radius12" Radius9.5" to 12" Compound Radius + $75Custom RadiusBOTTOM Neck ProfileStandard Medium C ProfileSlim C ProfileChunky C ProfileChunky Soft V ProfileCustom ProfileBOTTOM Fingerboard BindingParchment BindingBlack BindingWhite BindingNoneOther BindingBOTTOM Nut Width1 11/16"1 5/8"1 3/4"Describe BOTTOM Fingerboard Radius* Describe Custom BOTTOM Neck Profile* BOTTOM Fingerboard Inlay Clay Dot Inlay Black Split Diamond +500 Black Dot Inlay Pearloid Split Diamond +500 Pearloid Dot Inlay Black Block Inlay +500 White Dot Inlay Pearloid Block Inlay +500 Cream Dot Inlay Black Split Parallelogram +500 Other Inlay Pearl Split Parallelogram +500 BOTTOM – Headstock FaceNaturalPainted Black +150Painted to Match Body +150CustomBOTTOM – SwooshPainted to Match BodyPainted BlackNaturalCustomDescribe Custom Headstock / Swoosh**Additional cost may apply BOTTOM – Neck Pickup Type Humbucker Single Coil Custom Builder Lollar Fralin TV Jones Seymour Duncan Curtis Novak BOTTOM – Neck Pickup Type 4-String Bass Custom Builder Lollar Fralin TV Jones Seymour Duncan Curtis Novak Humbucker Style-Select-PAFWide RangeMiniSingle Coil Style-Select-TeleStratP-90Offset / OtherDescribe Custom BOTTOM-Neck Pickup**Additional cost may apply BOTTOM-Neck PickupTele Special +10Tele Alnico 3 +15Tele '52 +10Tele Vintage +10Tele Royal T +20Charlie Christian for Tele +75BOTTOM-Neck PickupMM Bass V +115MM Bass Wide Top +115TB-V +110JB-V +110JB-HC +150PB-V +130TB-JB +145PB-Fat +150PB-90 +150PB-CC +160TB-HC +165Mustang Bass +150Mustang Bass – Fat +170H22 Goldfoil +195BS-DS +305EB-BSX +285EB-O +320Hofner Staple +180BOTTOM-Neck PickupStarwood Tele +25BOTTOM-Neck PickupVintage Hot TeleSteel Pole 42 Tele +10Steel Pole 43 Tele +10Blues SpecialHigh Output TeleSplit Blade Tele +20Split Steel-Pole Tele +20BOTTOM-Neck PickupTele-V NeckTele-HC +50BOTTOM-Neck PickupVintage TeleVintage Broadcaster TeleBrad Paisley La BreaAntiquity Tele +10Antiquity II Tele +20Antiquity '55 +20BOTTOM-Neck PickupP-90 Soapbar +10'50s Wound P-90 Soapbar +15Underwound P-90 Soapbar +10P-90 Staple Soapbar +45P-90 Dogear +10'50s Wound P-90 Dogear +10Underwound P-90 Dogear +15BOTTOM-Neck PickupStrat Special Flat Pole +10Strat Special-Staggered Pole +10Strat Sixty-Four Flat Pole +10Strat Sixty-Four Staggered Pole +10Strat Blonde Flat Pole +10Strat Blonde-Staggered Pole +10Strat Tweed Flat Pole +10Strat Tweed-Staggered Pole +10BOTTOM-Neck PickupStarwood StratBOTTOM-Neck PickupSteel Pole 42 StratSteel Pole 43 StratSplit Steel Pole StratReal 54'sBlues Special StratVintage Hot StratHigh Output StratSplit Blade Strat +15BOTTOM-Neck PickupAntiquity II Surfer StratAlnico II Pro Staggered StratLipstick Tube StratAntiquity Strat Texas Hot +10BOTTOM-Neck PickupLipstick-Strat +30Strat-VBOTTOM-Neck PickupT-90 Soapbar +15T-90 Neck +35BOTTOM-Neck PickupHum-Cancelling P90 w/ Alnico Rods +50Hum-Cancelling P90 +50DynaSonic Alnico Rod P90 +50DynaSonic Hum-Cancelling +50BOTTOM-Neck PickupP90 Stack +20Vintage P90Antiquity P90 Dogear +30Antiquity P90 Soapbar +30Custom P90Phat Cat P90 in Humbucker CoverBOTTOM-Neck PickupP-90 +10P-90 Narrow Range +25Dogear-PAF +70P-90 Epi Casino +40P-90 Metal Soapbar +20Kay Tissue Box +115BOTTOM-Neck PickupImperial +80Imperial HW +80Imperial LW +80El Rayo +80Lollartron Traditional +90Lollartron Humbucker +90Novel 90 for Humbucker Route +45Charlie Christian for Humbucker Route +75Senn Model One +115BOTTOM-Neck PickupJazzmaster +10Mustang SpecialP-90 Jazzmaster +35Blademaster +45Jaguar +25Mini Broiler +55Gold Foil Soapbar +105Gold Foil Dogear +105Gold Foil Surface Mount +95Gold Foil Floating Mount +95Bass VI +25BOTTOM-Neck PickupTV-HT +35T-Armond +65BOTTOM-Neck PickupJazzmasterSteel Pole Jazzmaster +10Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster +50Hum-Cancelling, Steel Pole Jazzmaster +50P-92 +55Jaguar +10MustangBlues SpecialHigh OutputSplit Blade Mustang +15BOTTOM-Neck PickupVintage JazzmasterAntiquity Jazzmaster +10Antiquity II Jazzmaster +10Vintage JaguarAntiquity Jaguar +10Antiquity II Jaguar +10Psyclone Vintage Filter'Tron +40Psyclone Hot Filter'Tron +40BOTTOM-Neck PickupJM-V +10JM-WR +75JM-PAF +65JM-Historic +30JM-Moserite +65Jag-VBass VI 1961 +50XII-V +40XII-Fat +60H22 Goldfoil +85Bass VI +20Bass VI 1961 +50Thunderbird +110BS-DS VI +195BOTTOM-Neck PickupWide Range Humbucker +75BOTTOM-Neck PickupRegal +115BOTTOM-Neck PickupFirebird +50Mini Humbucker +50Alnico 5 (Bright/Clear) +50Big Single Mini 42 +50Big Single Mini 43 +50BOTTOM-Neck PickupFirebird +90Mini Humbucker +90BOTTOM-Neck PickupTV Classic +35Magna'Tron +50Power'Tron +45Super'Tron +50Starwood Humbucker +50Brian Setzer Signature +55Paul Yandell Duo-Tron +60BOTTOM-Neck PickupPure P.A.F. +50Modern P.A.F. +50High Output +50Unbucker +50Sunbucker Blues +50P90 in Humbucker Cover +30Hum-Cancelling, P90 in Humbucker Cover +55Alnico Noiseless, P90 in Humbucker Cover +60BOTTOM-Neck Pickup59 Model (Sh-1) +20Pearly Gates +30JB Model (JB-4) +10Jazz Model (Sh-2) +10Seth Lover (Sh-55) +30Antiquity Humbucker +60'78 Model +50Frankenstein +80BOTTOM-Neck PickupRay Butts Ful-Fidelity +70BOTTOM-Neck PickupWide Range Humbucker +80High Voltage Humbucker +40BOTTOM-Neck PickupNoneBOTTOM-Neck PickupMini-Hum +70Firebird +70BOTTOM-Neck PickupAntiquity II Firebird +60Antiquity II Mini Humbucker +60Vintage Mini Humbucker +10Custom Mini Humbucker +10BOTTOM-Neck PickupWiderange Humbucker +130JM-WR +75BOTTOM-Neck PickupHumbucker +70Gold Foil: GTX-HMB +75Hum-WR +90Hi Tron +75 (Original "Filtertron" Size)BOTTOM-Neck PickupAntiquity Jazz Bass +120Antiquity P-Bass +160Antiquity II Jazz Bass +120Antiquity II P-Bass +160Antiquity II Single Coil P-Bass +110Quarter Pound Jazz Bass +100Quarter Pound Single Coil P-Bass +90Vintage Jazz Bass +90Vintage P-Bass +100Vintage Single Coil P-Bass +90Hot Stack (HC)Jazz Bass +110Hot Single Coil P-Bass +90Hot Jazz Bass +90Hot P-Bass, Split Coil +100Apollo Jazz Bass +120Classic Stack Jazz Bass (HC) +110Quarter Pound P-Bass +100'70 Music Man Alnico 5 +1203 Coil Music Man +230'90 Music Man Ceramic +120BOTTOM-Neck PickupThunder'Blade Soapbar +150Thunder'Blade +160Thunder'Blade DeArmond +165Thunder'Mag Soapbar +150Thunder'Mag +160Thunder'Mag DeArmond +165Thunder'Tron +150BOTTOM-Neck Pickup'51 P-Bass +95P-Bass +150Split '51 P-Bass (HC) +150Jazz Bass +100Split Jazz (HC) +150BOTTOM-Neck PickupJazz Bass +115'70 Jazz Bass +115B.S. J-Bass +155Original P-Bass Single-Coil +110Precision Bass Split-Coil +160Precision Bass Split-Coil High Wind +160Precision 90 +200Mustang Bass +155Thunderbird +220Horseshoe Bass +600BOTTOM – Middle PickupNoneMiddleBOTTOM – Middle PickupNoneMiddleMiddle + Additional PickupBOTTOM – Middle Pickup Type Humbucker Single Coil Custom Builder Lollar Fralin TV Jones Seymour Duncan Curtis Novak BOTTOM – Middle Pickup Type 4-String Custom Builder Lollar Fralin TV Jones Seymour Duncan Curtis Novak Humbucker Style-Select-PAFWide RangeMiniSingle Coil Style-Select-TeleStratP-90Offset / OtherBOTTOM-Middle PickupJazz Bass +10'70 Jazz Bass +10B.S. J-Bass +45Original P-Bass Single-CoilPrecision Bass Split-Coil +50Precision Bass Split-Coil High Wind +50Precision 90 +90Mustang Bass +45Thunderbird +110Horseshoe Bass +490BOTTOM-Middle PickupAntiquity II Firebird +170Antiquity II Mini Humbucker +170Vintage Mini Humbucker +120Custom Mini Humbucker +120BOTTOM-Middle PickupMM Bass V +10MM Bass Wide Top +10TB-VJB-VJB-HC +40PB-V +20TB-JB +35PB-Fat +40PB-90 +40PB-CC +50TB-HC +55Mustang Bass +40Mustang Bass – Fat +60H22 Goldfoil +85BS-DS +195EB-BSX +175EB-O +210Hofner Staple +70BOTTOM-Middle Pickup'51 P-BassP-Bass +40Split '51 P-Bass (HC)+40Jazz BassSplit Jazz (HC)+40BOTTOM-Middle PickupAntiquity Jazz Bass +10Antiquity P-Bass +50Antiquity II Jazz Bass +10Antiquity II P-Bass +50Antiquity II Single Coil P-BassQuarter Pound Jazz BassQuarter Pound Single Coil P-BassVintage Jazz BassVintage P-BassVintage Single Coil P-BassHot Stack (HC)Jazz BassHot Single Coil P-BassHot Jazz BassHot P-Bass, Split CoilApollo Jazz Bass +10Classic Stack Jazz Bass (HC)Quarter Pound P-Bass'70 Music Man Alnico 5 +103 Coil Music Man +120'90 Music Man Ceramic +10BOTTOM-Middle PickupThunder'Blade Soapbar +40Thunder'Blade +50Thunder'Blade DeArmond +55Thunder'Mag Soapbar +40Thunder'Mag +50Thunder'Mag DeArmond +55Thunder'Tron +40BOTTOM-Middle PickupVintage Hot Tele +110Steel Pole 42 Tele +115Steel Pole 43 Tele +115Blues Special +110High Output Tele +110Split Blade Tele +130Split Steel-Pole Tele +130BOTTOM-Middle PickupTele Special +115Tele Alnico 3 +125Tele '52 +115Tele Vintage +115Charlie Christian for Tele +185BOTTOM-Middle PickupVintage Tele +90Vintage Broadcaster Tele +90Brad Paisley La Brea +100Antiquity Tele +120Antiquity Tele II +130Antiquity '55 Tele +130BOTTOM-Middle PickupStarwood Tele +135BOTTOM-Middle PickupStrat Special +105Strat Special-Staggered Pole +105Strat Sixty-Four +105Strat Sixty-Four Staggered Pole +105Strat Blonde +105Strat Blonde-Staggered Pole +105BOTTOM-Middle PickupTele-V Neck +105Tele-HC +160BOTTOM-Middle PickupReal '54s +100Blues Special Strat +100Vintage Hot Strat +100High Output Strat +100Steel Pole 42 Strat +110Steel Pole 43 Strat +110Split Steel-Pole Strat +110Split Blade Strat +125BOTTOM-Middle PickupStrat Special +105Strat Special-Staggered Pole +105Strat Sixty-Four +105Strat Sixty-Four Staggered Pole +105Strat Blonde +105Strat Blonde-Staggered Pole +105BOTTOM-Middle PickupStarwood Strat +105BOTTOM-Middle PickupLipstick-Strat +140Strat-V +100BOTTOM-Middle PickupBOTTOM-Middle PickupAlnico II Pro Staggered Strat +90Antiquity II Surfer Strat +110Antiquity Strat Texas Hot +120Lipstick Tube Strat +110BOTTOM-Middle PickupJM-V +120JM-WR +185JM-PAF +175JM-Historic +140JM-Moserite +175Jag-V +100Bass VI 1961 +160XII-V +150XII-Fat +160Bass VI +130Bass VI 1961 +160Thunderbird +110H22 Goldfoil +85BS-DS VI +195BOTTOM-Middle PickupP-90 +120P-90 Narrow Range +135Dogear-PAF +180P-90 Epi Casino +150P-90 Metal Soapbar +130Kay Tissue Box +225BOTTOM-Middle PickupHum-Cancelling P90 w/ Alnico Rods +160Hum-Cancelling P90 +160DynaSonic Alnico Rod P90 +160DynaSonic Hum-Cancelling +160BOTTOM-Middle PickupP-90 Soapbar +115'50s Wound P-90 Soapbar +125Underwound P-90 Soapbar +115P-90 Staple Soapbar +155P-90 Dogear +115'50s Wound P-90 Dogear +115Underwound P-90 Dogear +125BOTTOM-Middle PickupP90 Stack +130Vintage P90 +110Antiquity P90 Dogear +140Antiquity P90 Soapbar +140Custom P90 +110Phat Cat P90 in Humbucker Cover +110BOTTOM-Middle PickupT-90 Soapbar +125T-90 Middle +145BOTTOM-Middle PickupJazzmaster +105Steel Pole Jazzmaster +115Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster +160Hum-Cancelling, Steel Pole Jazzmaster +160P-92 +165Jaguar +115Mustang +100Blues Special +110Vintage Hot +110High Output +110Split Blade Mustang +125BOTTOM-Middle PickupJazzmaster +115Mustang Special +105P-90 Jazzmaster +145Blademaster +155Jaguar +135Mini Broiler +165Gold Foil Soapbar +215Gold Foil Dogear +215Gold Foil Surface Mount +200Gold Foil Floating Mount +200Bass VI +135BOTTOM-Middle PickupVintage Jazzmaster +90Antiquity Jazzmaster +120Antiquity II Jazzmaster +120Vintage Jaguar +90Antiquity Jaguar +120Antiquity II Jaguar +120Psyclone Vintage Filter'Tron +150Psyclone Hot Filter'Tron +150BOTTOM-Middle PickupTV-HT +145T-Armond +175BOTTOM-Middle PickupRegal +225BOTTOM-Middle PickupImperial +190Imperial HW +190Imperial LW +190El Rayo +190Lollartron Traditional +200Lollartron Humbucker +200Novel 90 for Humbucker Route +155Charlie Christian for Humbucker Route +185Senn Model One +225BOTTOM-Middle PickupPure P.A.F. +160Modern P.A.F. +160High Output +160Unbucker +160Sunbucker Blues +160P90 in Humbucker Cover +140Hum-Cancelling, P90 in Humbucker Cover +165Alnico Noiseless, P90 in Humbucker Cover +170BOTTOM-Middle PickupFirebird +200Mini Humbucker +200BOTTOM-Middle PickupFirebird +160Mini Humbucker +160Alnico 5 (Bright/Clear) +160Big Single Mini 42 +160Big Single Mini 43 +160BOTTOM-Middle PickupWide Range Humbucker +185BOTTOM-Middle PickupRay Butts Ful-Fidelity +180BOTTOM-Middle PickupTV Classic +145Magna'Tron +160Power'Tron +155Super'Tron +160Starwood Humbucker +160Brian Setzer Signature +165Paul Yandell Duo-Tron +170BOTTOM-Middle PickupHumbucker +180Gold Foil: GTX-HMB +185Hum-WR +200Hi Tron +185 (Original "Filtertron" Size)BOTTOM-Middle PickupNoneBOTTOM-Middle PickupMini-Hum +180Firebird +180BOTTOM-Middle Pickup59 Model (Sh-1) +130Pearly Gates +140JB Model (JB-4) +120Jazz Model (Sh-2) +120Seth Lover (Sh-55) +140Antiquity Humbucker +170'78 Model +160Frankenstein +190BOTTOM-Middle PickupWiderange Humbucker +240JM-WR +185BOTTOM-Middle PickupWide Range Humbucker +190High Voltage Humbucker +150Describe Custom BOTTOM-Middle Pickup**Additional cost may apply BOTTOM – Bridge Pickup Type Humbucker Single Coil Custom Builder Lollar Fralin TV Jones Seymour Duncan Curtis Novak BOTTOM – Bridge Pickup Type 4-String Custom Builder Lollar Fralin TV Jones Seymour Duncan Curtis Novak Humbucker Style-Select-PAFWide RangeMiniSingle Coil Style-Select-TeleStratP-90Offset / OtherDescribe Custom BOTTOM-Bridge Pickup**Additional cost may apply BOTTOM-Bridge PickupJazz Bass +115'70 Jazz Bass +115B.S. J-Bass +155Original P-Bass Single-Coil +110Precision Bass Split-Coil +160Precision Bass Split-Coil High Wind +160Precision 90 +200Mustang Bass +155Thunderbird +220Horseshoe Bass +600BOTTOM-Bridge PickupWiderange Humbucker +130JM-WR +75BOTTOM-Bridge PickupAntiquity Jazz Bass +120Antiquity P-Bass +160Antiquity II Jazz Bass +120Antiquity II P-Bass +160Antiquity II Single Coil P-Bass +110Quarter Pound Jazz Bass +100Quarter Pound Single Coil +90 P-BassVintage Jazz Bass +90Vintage P-Bass +100Vintage Single Coil P-Bass +90Hot Stack (HC)Jazz Bass +110Hot Single Coil P-Bass +90Hot Jazz Bass +90Hot P-Bass, Split Coil +100Apollo Jazz Bass +120Classic Stack Jazz Bass (HC) +110Quarter Pound P-Bass +100'70 Music Man Alnico 5 +1203 Coil Music Man +230'90 Music Man Ceramic +120BOTTOM-Bridge Pickup'51 P-Bass +95P-Bass +150Split '51 P-Bass (HC) +150Jazz Bass +100Split Jazz (HC) +150BOTTOM-Bridge PickupThunder'Blade Soapbar +150Thunder'Blade +160Thunder'Blade DeArmond +165Thunder'Mag Soapbar +150Thunder'Mag +160Thunder'Mag DeArmond +165Thunder'Tron +150BOTTOM-Bridge PickupMM Bass V +115MM Bass Wide Top +115TB-V +110JB-V +110JB-HC +150PB-V +130TB-JB +145PB-Fat +150PB-90 +150PB-CC +160TB-HC +165Mustang Bass +150Mustang Bass – Fat +170H22 Goldfoil +195BS-DS +305EB-BSX +285EB-O +320Hofner Staple +180BOTTOM-Bridge PickupTele Special +10Tele '52 +15Tele J Street +15Tele Vintage +15Tele Alnico 3 +40B.S. Tele +75Charlie Christian for Tele +75BOTTOM-Bridge PickupVintage Hot TeleSteel Pole 42 Tele +10Steel Pole 43 Tele +10High Output TeleBlues Special TeleSplit Blade Tele +20Split Steel-Pole Tele +20BOTTOM-Bridge PickupStarwood Tele +25BOTTOM-Bridge PickupTele-V BridgeTele-V Fat Bridge +20BOTTOM-Bridge PickupAntiquity Tele +10Antiquity II Tele +20Antiquity '55 +20Vintage '54 TeleVintage Broadcaster TeleBrad Paisley La BreaBOTTOM-Bridge PickupStrat Special Flat Pole +10Strat Special-Staggered Pole +10Strat Sixty-Four Flat Pole +10Strat Sixty-Four Staggered Pole +10Strat Blonde Flat Pole +10Strat Blonde-Staggered Pole +10Strat Tweed Flat Pole +10Strat Tweed-Staggered Pole +10BOTTOM-Bridge PickupReal '54sBlues Special StratSteel Pole 42 TeleSteel Pole 43 TeleHigh Output StratSplit Steel-Pole StratSplit Blade Strat +15BOTTOM-Bridge PickupStarwood StratBOTTOM-Bridge PickupLipstick-Strat +30Strat-VBOTTOM-Bridge PickupAlnico II Pro Staggered StratAntiquity II SurferLipstick Tube StratAntiquity Strat Texas Hot +10BOTTOM-Bridge PickupP-90 Soapbar +10'50s Wound P-90 Soapbar +15Underwound P-90 Soapbar +10P-90 Staple Soapbar +45P-90 Dogear +10'50s Wound P-90 Dogear +10Underwound P-90 Dogear +15BOTTOM-Bridge PickupHum-Cancelling P90 +50Hum-Cancelling P90 w/ Alnico Rods +50Dynasonic Alnico Rod P90 +50Dynasonic Hum-Cancelling +50BOTTOM-Bridge PickupT-90 Soapbar +15T-90 Bridge +35BOTTOM-Bridge PickupP-90 +10P-90 Narrow Range +25Dogear-PAF +70P-90 Epi Casino +40P-90 Metal Soapbar +20Kay Tissue Box +115BOTTOM-Bridge PickupP90 Stack +20Vintage P90Antiquity P90 Dogear +30Antiquity P90 Soapbar +30Custom P90Phat Cat P90 in Humbucker CoverBOTTOM-Bridge PickupJazzmaster +10Mustang SpecialP-90 Jazzmaster +35BladeMaster +45Jaguar +25Gold Foil Soapbar +105Gold Foil Dogear +105Gold Foil Surface Mount +95Glod Foil Floating Mount +95Mini Broiler +55Bass VI +25BOTTOM-Bridge PickupJazzmasterSteel-Pole Jazzmaster +10Hum-Cancelling Jazzmaster +50Hum-Cancelling, Steel-Pole Jazzmaster +50Jaguar +10MustangBlues SpecialVintage HotHigh OutputSplit Blade Mustang +15BOTTOM-Bridge PickupTV-HT +35T-Armond +65BOTTOM-Bridge PickupJM-Fat +40JM-WR +75JM-PAF +65JM-Historic +30JM-HC-Stealth +65JM-Moserite +65Jag-VBass VI 1961 +50XII-V +40XII-Fat +60Bass VI +20Bass VI 1961 +50Thunderbird +110H22 Goldfoil +85BS-DS VI +195BOTTOM-Bridge PickupVintage JaguarAntiquity Jaguar +10Antiquity II Jaguar +10Antiquity Jazzmaster +10Antiquity II Jazzmaster +10Vintage JazzmasterPsyclone Vintage Filter'Tron +40Psyclone Hot Filter'Tron +40BOTTOM-Bridge PickupImperial +80Imperial HW +80Imperial LW +80El Rayo +80Lollartron Traditional +90Lollartron Humbucker +90Charlie Christian for Humbucker Route +75Senn Model One +115BOTTOM-Bridge PickupRegal +115BOTTOM-Bridge PickupFirebird +90Mini Humbucker +90BOTTOM-Bridge PickupPure P.A.F. +50Modern P.A.F. +50High Output +50Sunbucker Blues +50Unbucker +50P90 in Humbucker Cover +30Hum-Cancelling, P90 in Humbucker Cover +55Alnico Noiseless, P90 in Humbucker Cover +60BOTTOM-Bridge PickupWide Range Humbucker +75BOTTOM-Bridge PickupFirebird +50Mini Humbucker +50Alnico 5 (Bright/Clear) +50Big Single Mini 42 +50Big Single Mini 43 +50BOTTOM-Bridge PickupTV Classic +35Power'Tron +45Super'Tron +50Magna'Tron +50Starwood Humbucker +50Brian Setzer Signature +55Paul Yandell Duo-Tron +60BOTTOM-Bridge PickupRay Butts Ful-Fidelity +70BOTTOM-Bridge PickupNoneBOTTOM-Bridge Pickup'59 Model (Sh-1) +20JB Model (JB-4) +10Jazz Model (Sh-2) +10Dimebucker +10Pearly Gates +30Seth Lover (Sh-55) +30Antiquity Humbucker +60'78 Model +50Frankenstein +80BOTTOM-Bridge PickupWide Range Humbucker +80High Voltage Humbucker +50BOTTOM-Bridge PickupAntiquity II Firebird +60Antiquity II Mini Humbucker +60Vintage Mini Humbucker +10Custom Mini Humbucker +10BOTTOM-Bridge PickupHumbucker +70Gold Foil: GTX-HMB +75Hum-WR +90Hi Tron +75 (Original "Filtertron" Size)BOTTOM-Bridge PickupMini-Hum +70Firebird +702 Pickup Switching 3-way Toggle Switch 3-way Toggle Switch in Plate +50 3-way Blade Switch 3-way Blade Switch in Plate +50 3-way Blade Switch Angled 3-way Blade Switch Angled in Plate +50 2 X 2-way Switch + Strangle Switch 2 X 2-way Switch + Strangle Switch in Plate +50 2 X On/Off Metal Push Button +25 2 X On/Off Metal Push Button in Plate +75 Other Pickup Switching Controls2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone in Plate +503 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone3 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone in Plate +504 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Neck-Tone, Bridge-Tone4 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Neck-Tone, Bridge-Tone in Plate +50Other Controls3 Pickup Switching 3-way Toggle Switch 3-way Toggle Switch in Plate +50 3 X 2-way Switch 3 X 2-way Switch in Plate +50 4 X 2-way Switch (Strangle Switch) 4 X 2-way Switch in Plate (Strangle Switch) +50 5-way Blade Switch 5-way Blade Switch in Plate +50 5-way Blade Switch Angled 5-way Blade Switch Angled in Plate +50 3 On/Off Metal Push Button +25 3 On/Off Metal Push Button in Plate +75 Other Pickup Switching Controls2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone in Plate +503 Knob – Master Volume, Middle Volume, Master Tone3 Knob – Master Volume, Middle Volume, Master Tone in Plate +503 Knob – Master Volume, Middle-Tone, Master Tone3 Knob – Master Volume, Middle-Tone, Master Tone in Plate +504 Knob – Neck-Volume, Middle-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone4 Knob – Neck-Volume, Middle-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone in Plate +50Other ControlsControls4 Knob – Neck-Volume, Middle-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone4 Knob – Neck-Volume, Middle-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Master Tone in Plate +504 Pickup Switching 4 X 2-way Switch (Strangle Switch) 4 X 2-way Switch in Plate (Strangle Switch) +50 5-way Blade Switch 5-way Blade Switch in Plate +50 5-way Blade Switch Angled 5-way Blade Switch Angled in Plate +50 4 On/Off Metal Push Button +25 4 On/Off Metal Push Button in Plate +75 Other Pickup Switching Controls2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone2 Knob – Master Volume, Master Tone in Plate +504 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Neck-Tone, Bridge-Tone4 Knob – Neck-Volume, Bridge-Volume, Neck-Tone, Bridge-Tone in Plate +503 Knob – Master Volume, Neck & Bridge-Tone, Middle & Middle-Tone3 Knob – Master Volume, Neck & Bridge-Tone, Middle & Middle-Tone in Plate +50Other ControlsAdditional Circuitry Rhythm Circuit in Guard +50 Rhythm Circuit in Plate +100 Hi-Lo Circuit in Guard +50 Hi-Lo Circuit in Plate +100 2-Band Active EQ in Guard +100 2-Band Active EQ in Plate +150 None Other Circuitry Coil TappingHumbucker Pickup OnlyCoil Tapping Neck Pickup +25Coil Tapping Middle Pickup +25Coil Tapping Bridge Pickup +25Coil Tapping Neck & Bridge Pickup +50Coil Tapping Neck, Middle & Bridge Pickup +75Describe Electronis**Additional cost may applyMake this a BilT Starter Pack! Make this a BilT Starter Pack! "The BilT Amp" by MilkmanThe BilT Amp is a hand-wired 12-watt class AB combo designed with 50’s vintage American tone in mind but voiced to be pushed harder. Its unique tone circuit allows for a wide range of colors without getting too tubby. We load them up with a 12” Celestion Alnico for that classic finish. Milkman provides the amp chassis and we hand make the cabinet with the same tonewood and paint job as your guitar! Price: "The BilT Amp" by MilkmanThe BilT Amp is a hand-wired 12-watt class AB combo designed with 50’s vintage American tone in mind but voiced to be pushed harder. Its unique tone circuit allows for a wide range of colors without getting too tubby. We load them up with a 12” Celestion Alnico for that classic finish. Milkman provides the amp chassis and we hand make the cabinet with the same tonewood and paint job as your guitar! Price: Total Upgrades Name First,Last Email Custom NotesPurchasing Process*DEPOSIT: A $500 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve placement in the production schedule. A representative will contact you about current build times. ORDER DETAILS: Approximately 60 days before production, We will contact you to finalize all details of your build and 50% of the remaining balance will be due at that time. Once finalized, any additional changes will incur a $100 fee per modification. COMPLETION: Balance + Shipping due upon completion. *International shipping and handling only – Customer is responsible for any duties, taxes and fees required by destination country. I understand the purchasing process CAPTCHA Δ